Why Little Girls Love American Girl Dolls

January 30, 2012 § Leave a comment

Discount Rambo by Horseware PlusA few years ago my daughter came home from her cousin’s house and all she could talk about was how she wanted an American Girl Doll. She spent the next six months saving her money to buy her own and has been in love with it ever sense.

These amazing 18″ dolls were first introduced in 1986 by the Pleasant Company. They made their first appearance with Molly, Kirsten, and Samantha.

Molly is living in Illinois in 1944. She is learning how to deal with growing up during a time of war. Her father has been called to fight overseas and she is living at home with her mother, older sister, and two little brothers. Molly learns how important it is to band together for a common cause.

Kirsten is from Sweden but her family has moved to Minnesota to discover frontier life with other pioneers in 1854. Kristen learns what it is like to have the courage to start a new life in a new country.

Samantha is an orphan in New York in 1904. She is being raised by her wealthy grandmother. Her best friend lives a very different life from her own and Samantha learns that, unfortunately, not all people are treated equally.

The Pleasant Company now has multiple characters from various ethnic backgrounds and time periods–including contemporary time periods like McKenna, 2012’s girl of the year. McKenna, is a determined gymnast who doesn’t let her challenges get in the way of her dreams.

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